November 29, 2007

FBI Warns of Midget Suicide Bomber Attacks

The FBI last night issued a stark warning that America could be targeted by thousands of midget suicide bombers intent on wreaking havoc across the nation.

In a hastily organized press conference, grim-faced Feds revealed that up to 1,000 dwarves had been enlisted by al Qaeda to carry out suicide attacks in unspecified locations throughout the country.

While details remain sketchy, sources close to President Bush tell Sergio Georgini that Osama Bin Laden’s terror group has been actively recruiting little people to take part in suicide missions for the last five years. It’s believed that many midgets are angry at their ongoing struggle to be fully accepted into society, and want to make a point by blowing themselves up with thousands of pounds of explosive.

Bin Laden’s Head of Little People Operations has been in close contact with Kenny Baker, who played the spirited android R2-D2 in the Star Wars series of films. Baker, along with two former Ewoks, has been leading negotiations and midget insiders claim the anarchist android actor has been promised a seat on Osama Bin Laden’s inner war cabinet in return for his co-operation.

Speaking on the condition of anonymity, a Department of Defense official said: “Our intelligence work has, until now, centered on the potential for more aircraft hijackings, or even a chemical or biological weapons attack. But now it’s clear that we’ve been way off the mark. The President has been informed that this country faces a clear and present danger. The enemy is small, but the risks are huge.”

The tiny-terrorists are believed to have formed a number of “mini-cells” in up to 20 major cities. Intelligence chiefs were first alerted to the threat after an anonymous tip-off warned that midgets across the country were starting to organize. This was later confirmed by an increase in “midget chatter”. The CIA started a surveillance operation on George Claydon – who played one of the Oompa Loompas in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory – and soon the plot began to unravel.

Our defense source continued: “Claydon was in constant touch with Baker, who in turn was soliciting Gary Coleman to join the terror network. We listened in on their phone conversations for more than a month, and what we heard was terrifying.

“The little lunatics planned to strap explosives to themselves and roll into small areas, which taller people couldn’t access. Some spoke about rolling under train track platforms, others mentioned stowing away on aircraft in cargo boxes and others planned to hide in trash bins on busy city streets.

“Perhaps the most worrying aspect was a series of vague references to the “Bouncing Bomb”. In this scenario, a partner, of average height, would accompany the midget. The destructive duo would casually walk down the street acting perfectly normally, but then in an instant the taller man would pick up the explosive-laden dwarf and toss him through an open window. The dwarf would land, and detonate the explosives – with devastating effect. This strategy would leave any shop or business at risk in any major city across America. The psychological effect would be huge.”

The Government admitted they do not know when the dwarves will strike, they do not know the location at which they will strike and they do not know the exact method of attack. So with F-15 jets patrolling the skies, defense analysts are still trying to determine how to minimize the impending midget threat.

Gregg Brandon, Editor of military strategy magazine Defending America, said: “With the aircraft hijacking threat, we were able to increase airport security and take a series of measures to minimize the likelihood of attack. But with this new dwarf threat, there really isn’t much we can do. Nobody has ever kept tabs on the number of midgets in this country, so we really are fighting an unknown enemy.”

November 27, 2007

Cleveland smoker challenges tobacco companies to “Give me your best shot, pussies.”

A Cleveland man has issued a challenge to tobacco companies to increase the potency of their cigarettes – but only if they dare.

Ryan Bristow has been an enthusiastic chain smoker for more than ten years, but now the lead-lunged addict has called for tobacco companies to take their products to the next level.

The 40-a-day Home Entertainment Retail Specialist is taunting major tobacco manufacturers such as Philip Morris, by questioning their sexuality if they don’t start producing a stronger, more nicotine-rich product. And in a strongly worded letter written in semi-literate English, Bristow urged tobacco firms to unleash an unhealthier cigarette – claiming his lungs were ready for a new, more exciting challenge.

Speaking from his front porch, Bristow said: “Now we’ll see exactly how tough these lily-livered assholes are. I’ve been buying their watered-down products for over ten years now, so as a consumer I think I deserve to have my voice heard.

“I’ve spent most of my adult life conditioning my lungs for this occasion. Now all I need to know is if those pussies that make the cigarettes are man enough to send me over their best cigarette. Because I can guarantee that I’ll take it without flinching. In fact I’ll be able to smoke whatever they throw at me for the next 20 years without so much as a hiccup. That’s how confident I feel.”

Bristow recently recovered from a bout of emphysema, which he claims was caused by excess pollen in the air. But now the coughing king of cockiness is back to his best and says he won’t rest until a more harmful nicotine-based product hits the store shelves.

Some of his proposals for a “super cigarette” include:

  • Removing the filter entirely and increasing the length of the cigarette to six inches
  • Allowing the cigarettes to marinade in up to ten banned chemical agents before packaging.
  • Coating the butt with a glucose glaze to encourage consumption by the smoker.

    He continued: “I saw that asshole the Surgeon General on TV, mouthing off that cigarettes have over 250 different chemical additives. Thank god that pussy isn’t running the country. What I’m saying is that if we have 250 chemical additives at the moment, let’s up that to at least 500. Hell, if they can do it let’s push for four figures.

    “People need to realize that there’s an exclusive club of hardcore smokers out there. At casinos you get the high rollers, who like to gamble with huge-ass amounts of money. Well this is exactly the same thing. I’ve trained my body for years to be able to resist even the harshest cancer-causing agents, so not it’s about time those tobacco company assholes rose to the challenge.”

    A spokesman for the Association of Tobacco Manufacturers said: “We do not have any immediate plans to mass-produce an “extra strength” cigarette, but we are sympathetic to the cause of people like Mr. Bristow. He should consider moving up to chewing tobacco, and then eventually unfiltered Havana cigars. Products such as these are almost guaranteed to give his lungs the challenge that he seeks.”

  • November 26, 2007

    Novelty ring tone fan calls for end to “Do Not Call” list

    A novelty ring tone-loving cell phone user is threatening to send the telecommunications world into disarray by launching a campaign to scrap the Federal Government’s Do Not Call List.

    The list was set-up in 2003 by the Bush administration as an attempt to slash the number of unsolicited telemarketing calls that have infuriated Americans up and down the country. But after receiving a brand New Nokia 34500 Turbo i GPS camera phone with optional novelty ring tones, Denver man Chuck Greenfield has announced it’s time to hang-up on the Do Not Call List.

    Chuck, who was thrilled that his phone came pre-loaded with the Outkast – Hey Ya ring tone, said: “Man, you’ve got to see this phone. It’s just the coolest thing. When I saw it in the store I knew I had to have it. It’s so tiny and shiny and all the buttons flash. But get this dude. It’s got a color screen and a camera attached to the end.  But the best thing….and I gotta tell you this completely blew me away…the best thing is that you can download ring tones which sound just like your favorite songs. How nuts is that?”

    After activating his phone, Chuck immediately played three games of Tetris and then connected to his GPS service to see if the satellite signal would be able to penetrate the walls of his local Mrs. Field’s cookie store.  But the best was yet to come. Chuck then dialed a special seven-digit telephone number and was able to download a novelty ring tone, which replicated the theme tune to The A-Team, only without the background sound effects of flying bullets.

    Chuck continued: “Once I installed The A-Team ring tone, I was in heaven. Each time I played it I kept thinking that the Crazy Fool Murdoch would walk through the door any second. Then I called the number again and got the theme tunes to Chips, and TJ Hooker. By this point I was totally hooked.”

    After several minutes, Chuck had added “Please Release Me” by Engelbert Humperdinck and “Nightshift” by The Commodores.  But his euphoria was short-lived. Amid all this musical magic, the mercurial mobile-lover realized that he needed somebody to call him in order to enjoy the full wonder of his new novelty ring tones. This was a problem. Summing the situation up, Chuck said: “To put it simply, I am a social leper.”

    The ostracized oddball was further infuriated when he learnt about the introduction of the Do Not Call list.  Chuck’s only hope of hearing his beloved novelty ring tones was through unsolicited phone calls – the very calls this disturbing list was attempting to ban.

    Chuck continued: “This whole piece of legislation is a sick joke. If I had it my way they’d be a Please Call at Will list. I want to be listening to these zany novelty ring tones all day long, but so far I’ve only had one call and that was a wrong number. I told the person on the phone that they were welcome to call me back anytime, but that didn’t seem to go down very well.

    “I can understand that many ordinary people would object to receiving phone calls during dinner, or after 8pm. But what about the people like me who have our own, novelty ring-tone needs? It’s tough when those ring-tones are just sitting there waiting to be played, but nobody calls. That’s like buying a gun but having nobody to shoot it at.”

     Chuck believes the novelty ring tone market is set to explode, and he’s already planning his next download.

    “I’d really like to try and find “Nothing’s Gonna’ Stop Us Now” by Starship and “Get Outta My Dreams, Get Into My Car” by Billy Ocean. These things are just the greatest invention since whistling key chains. People seem to love them. They’re especially popular in confined spaces, such as trains or buses.”

    Regarding the battle to tear-up the Do Not Call List, a defiant Chuck gave Sergio Georgini an exclusive glimpse into his campaign strategy. While the whimsical weirdo refused to give specific details, he did reveal that over the coming weeks he would:

    - Shout at the Television whenever a politician appeared on camera
    - Think about writing a letter to someone or other in power
    - Leave his mobile phone turned on all the time in order to encourage telemarketing calls

    Chuck concluded: “The fight’s only just beginning. This one’s going to go all the night. Now are you going to call me later on, or not. Please.”

    Blogged with Flock

    November 20, 2007

    Chuck Norris and Presidential Flair

    Presidential endorsements can make or break any election campaign.

    Of course the ultimate endorsement - the one that really matters - comes from the American electorate, but during the early stages of a Presidential campaign candidates are constantly working to get some big names under their belt (there's a joke there that I'm not even going to explore).

    The people's parasites have already been busy racking up the love notes. Just-For-Men poster child Mitt Romney won the backing of Moral Majority co-founder Paul Weyrich. I have no idea who these people are, but judging by the slightly arrogant nature of their name I'm tempted to conclude that the only majority they enjoy is in their own, deluded minds.

    Rudy got Pat Robertson (who should front a group called the Lobotomized Majority), John McCain couldn't get anybody that interesting so had to make do with former candidate Sam Brownback who was forced to withdraw because he had no money and no support, and Bill-ary has a list of supporters longer than John Edwards' morning shampoo and condition routine.

    But as much as politicians chase these big-name supporters, there's also a significant chance the tactic could backfire. And that's what's happening to Presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee.

    Just a quick re-cap for those of you who have better things to do than follow every move of a gang of egotistical power-crazed money wasters. Huckabee's the guy who believes in Adam and Eve - literally - and thinks the universe was created in fewer days than it takes for to ship me a book.

    Recent polls have shown Huckabee's support surging, but then the endorsements struck.

    Now while Bill-ary and Barack are getting some heavyweight political endorsements, Huckabee announce that none other than Mr. Chuck Norris was supporting his campaign.

    Yes, that Chuck Norris.

    Maybe I live in a strange bubble, but Chuck is not the most credible of political figures. In fact many people I know have elevated the bearded Delta Force star to a level of cult celebrity that's almost Hasselhoff-esque in its gravity.

    But it gets better. Yesterday, wrestler Ric Flair a.k.a. The Nature Boy has entered the Huckabee ring. You can almost hear the phone conversation now: "Hi Ric. Listen, we really appreciate your thinking on this but I think we have enough endorsements for Mike already. No, no....really there's no need. No, it would...Ric? Ric?"

    **phone slams down**

    "FUCK, Flair's decided he's going public. Somebody better call Mike and let him know."

    Because there must be people that politicians absolutely don't want to get endorsements from. How bad would it look if your main rival has the backing of Mayors, technologists, entrepreneurs and governors and all you can muster is one of The Golden Girls and an Olympic triple jumper?

    So I'll be watching the endorsement announcements very carefully. To the best of my knowledge Gary Coleman and Corey Feldman haven't endorsed a candidate yet, so if I were working on one of the candidates' campaigns I'd be keeping my fingers crossed that they don't come out and support my guy (or gal acting as a guy).

    November 19, 2007

    Steve Senise: Creepy IT Guy

    Dear Steve,

    I've been reading a lot about the Apple iPhone and am thinking about asking my husband to buy me one for Christmas. What are you thoughts on this device?

    Kind regards,

    Trenton, New Jersey

    Dessy baby, you want to hear what Steve Senise's favorite Apple product is? Let me tell you candy cane, it's the  iWantToCoverYouInChocolateRiceKrispiesWhileHubbyIsAtWork. You won't find that on, but Steve Senise can make it happen and I'll even throw in some extremely generous credit terms so that you can buy now and pay later.

    But listen to me my little chocolate button, Steve Senise has been doing some digital dribbling over the iPhone because the touch screen offers something that you just can't find anywhere else. Can I stroke your touch screen Desiree? Do you want to drag your finger across my LCD. You know what LCD stands for baby? Lovers Coi.....**coughs**.

    Whew. Things are getting a little heated in the iTrousers region Desiree. See what you did to me? Let me re-boot, re-configure and log-out of this Lover's Application that just won't seem to quit.

    Desiree? I don't think there's anything wrong with treating yourself to something sleek and smooth to help pass those long winter nights. What does your husband do Desiree? Is he an oil rig worker? He is, isn't he. I can tell. And let me guess, he's away for six months at a time.
    Sometimes longer. It must be tough - so, so tough. Just you, the tingling night air and your iPhone for company. I want you to know it's ok to think those thoughts that are running through your head like a sexaully charged Amtrak hurtling into Frustration Station. Let go. Grab your new toy Desiree. You need an outlet. Let's make some iSweetMusic together. Can i call you on your iPhone. What's your number Desireee? I promise I won't hang up this time after the first heavy breath....

    Dear Steve,

    I'm a Windows user and I'm concerned at the amount of viruses and spyware that are out there in the wild. What precautions should I be taking to keep my computer safe?


    Fort Worth, Texas

    Carol, Carol, Carol. What are we going to do with you? I know the world can be a tough, ugly place sometimes and you're probably looking for a knight in shining armour to pick you up, throw you on the back of an ice-white horse and whisk you away from the Bubonic Plague infected masses. I'm that Knight, Carol. I'm like the Knight Rider, except minus the black sports car that talks like Stephen Hawking. I want to take you to a better place and whisper in your ear before we go to bed each night that everything's gonna be alright. Because it is my little koala cub, it's gonna be fine. We'll run away from this unholy world together and we'll explore each other's minds, and each other's bodies and trust me - I won't need a roadmap. I won't even need to stop midway and ask a stranger for directions. I know which way to go candy corn, and I can't wait to plot every point on your mountainous terrain.

    A lot of people are concerned with viruses and spyware Carol, and the secret to success is very much like spending a night of passion with that very special person in your life. Is there a special person for you, Carol? Does he make you quiver like a double-bass string? Maybe it's a she, Carol. Maybe there are two shes. Are they your neighbors? Did you meet them at a volleyball tournament?

    So you need to work with your computer, not against it my creamy mango lassi. The two of you need to move to the same digital drumbeat and gyrate as one with the  rhythm of life. Don't push when the other pulls.  Don't dive when the other ducks. This is about harmony, and I'm not talking about the  sickly scented hairspray.

    Can i scan your system Carol? Can I de-fragment your hard drive? Can I paw through all your files and get inside every hidden directory? Can I spy in places that a system shouldn't be spied on? Let me in Carol. I'm no virus, I'm an antidote. An antidote to your frustration. I'm the cure, not the disease.

    Tear that firewall down Carol and download a bumper sized byte of Steve Senise.

    Blogged with Flock

    November 15, 2007

    Crown Prince of Laughter

    In a world that's all too devoid of humor, even during my bleakest hour of misery there are always two words that can bring a smile to my cobra bitten lips - "Saudi Arabia".

    For a good part of my life I thought that Saudi Arabia was a fictitious entity that had been dreamed up and presented to the world as real, in the same way that Santa Claus and John Edwards' chances of becoming President have been. But since the best and brightest writers in the TV industry are currently on strike - and the plot-lines from Saudi Arabia keep getting better and better - I now know this isn't the case.

    A couple of weeks ago King Abdullah graced the masses of my home country with an official state visit to the UK. During his stay, the enlightened man-of-the-people told the BBC that Britain wasn't doing enough to combat terrorism.

    Now on the one hand I agree with him. Almost all the 9/11 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia and the Saudi government is one of the biggest funders of radical Islamic schools in the world, so the easy answer for the UK would be to sever all ties with the King and his Cuckoo Kingdom. But somehow I don't think that idea was top of his "Terror Action Points" list.

    Having Saudi Arabia lecture the UK on preventing terrorism is like asking David Hasselhoff to host a seminar entitled "Just Say No To Booze and a Music Career in Germany." Abdullah's country is the Willy Wonka Chocolate Factory of extremism, where the oompa loompas are more likely to blow themselves up rather than sing a song about the perils of "gobbling down sweets".

    Sadly, the story doesn't end there. Today it was announced that a 19-year-old woman who was gang-raped 14 times has been sentenced to 6 months in prison and 200 lashes. Ignoring the fact that this woman had been violated in the most brutal way imaginable, the Saudi judicial system punished her for being in "an unrelated man's car during the time of the attack" and also "attempting to use the media to influence the judges".

    There's nothing quite like being lashed 200 times by a large bullwhip in a public square to help a woman overcome getting gang-raped. That'll teach her.

    Saudi Arabia is one of the largest oil producers in the world. They're holding the strings to the world economy and one tug in the wrong direction could send the entire global system into meltdown. Think about it carefully. Most powerful oil producing country in the world.....200 lashes for a woman who was gang-raped.

    The way I see it is this. I wouldn't give my entire life savings to Charles Manson to manage, so I'm not particularly comfortable with letting the Saudis run the oil show.

    This illustrates two clear points. Number one, America needs to take some of the hundreds of billions of dollars its spending on defense each year and give it to private entrepreneurs and scientists to find a viable alternative energy source.

    Number two, America needs to stop meddling in other nation's affairs. They don't want us to be there, and it's costing us way too much money, goodwill and human life. Intervention in foreign affairs should be limited to self-defense only.

    Because if our "friends" look like Saudi Arabia, I hate to think what a real enemy is.

    November 14, 2007

    The Clone Wars

    I never fully understood the excitement that surrounds the idea of human cloning.

    Right now we have way too many people on this planet, so the last thing society needs is a quick and easy way to dump millions of test-tube clones in the middle of human life. In fact unless those turkeys in England sneeze a little bit harder and start an avian bird flu epidemic, I think the world is doing just fine from a population standpoint.

    Scientists have recently announced that they've come one step closer to being able to clone monkeys. Before that it was Dolly the sheep, and then a dog called Snuppy.

    But where are the pandas in all this cloning action? If any species could do with a helping hand in the reproductive stakes, it's these black-and-white puffy eyed bamboo chompers. When you look at the panda's lack of ability to pro-create it's almost as if evolution is attempting to send us a message they we should just let them fade away gracefully. But nope, we ooo and ahh every time one of these bumbling beasts rolls-over in an obscure Chinese zoo and if a panda gets pregnant, it's bigger than the Superbowl.

    So pandas might be a good candidate for cloning, if only to save the rest of the world from the sickly sweet "And finally, on a lighter note...." news stories.

    But that brings us onto humans. We don't need cloning, because our ability to multiply is sadly far too effective. Take my hometown for example. Give a typical 16-year-old a crate of alco-pops and a 1 year free pass to a local nightclub (preferably with a name like "Panache" or "Krystals") and they'll reproduce faster than a pimple on Cameron Diaz's forehead. If there's one thing that people are good at it's making more people, and we don't need a gang of Gods in white coats to clog-up our buses and subways with more human DNA.

    One of the loudest arguments that I've heard against human cloning is the idea that a crazed dictator - such as Hitler or Saddam Hussein - could get hold of the technology and decide to clone themselves. Imagine the anarchy that could ensue if the world was injected with thousands of one-testicled dictators with wonky moustaches and funny walks.

    As horrendous as that sounds, there's a far greater fear that strikes me like a Deep Vein Thrombosis. Think about the slew of people you encounter every day. There's Dave the annoying co-worker who chews his food like a camel. Maybe the anonymous girl on the bus who thinks it's a good idea to clip her nails in public, dropping them all over your bag. Or what about Wesley the doorman who's constantly preaching about Jesus to you, the UPS man and anybody else who makes the mistake of coming within a three yard radius of him.

    Now they're the people we need to worry about. Forget about dictators, if ordinary people start being cloned then I think it's time to be concerned. Maybe the pandas aren't so dumb after all...