October 25, 2007

White House Pet Campaign 2008: Angora Rabbit

From cats to canaries, Presidents of the United States have always attached great importance to the warm, fuzzy friends that sit on their laps in the Oval Office (and I don't mean Monica Lewinksy).

Bush has a couple of Scottish terriers. Bill had a cat called Socks. JFK had a pair of Hamsters called  Billie and Debbie.

But if a politician wants my vote - especially a President - I want someone who's keeping a strangely exotic animal that I've never heard of before. Screw taxes and No Child Left Behind - just show me the pets.

So today, Sergio Georgini is launching its White House Pet Campaign 2008.  Over the coming weeks I'll be showcasing a series of pets that I'd order my chief of staff/intern/United Nations minion to immediately go and procure. Not only do I expect this story to set the election news agenda for the coming months, but I truly believe that if we pull together we can really make a difference, and make the world of pet keeping a better place.

We kick of our campaign with the Angora Rabbit (pictured above).  The Angora is one of the oldest types of domestic rabbit, originating in Ankara, Turkey, along with the Angora cat and Angora goat.

If I saw Hilary pictured with one of these little beauties I'd punch my hole next to her name faster than you can say "Furball".

For those of you who want more animal action, check out this rather nice Presidential Pets quiz that the company that pays my electricity bill developed.

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