October 24, 2007

Will Mitt beat Hitler-y and Osama?

When George Bush mis-pronounces "nuclear", it raises a wry smile in a "That little scamp's done it again - he just doesn't know any better" kind of way.

But when one of the Republican Presidential hopefuls confuses a potential Democratic opponent with the world's most wanted terrorist, you have to feel slightly jittery.

If I was Mrs. Obama I'd be concerned. One minute you're browsing the home goods section of Sears for a new pair of curtains for the bedroom, and before you know it Mitt's ordered a surgical air strike and blown-up your SUV with 18 stinger missiles.

Let's hope he doesn't take it any further. "Actually, just look at what Hitler - Hilary did in World War II. It was carnage."

Cue nervous shuffling from Romney aides. "Hey Mitt, her voice might be getting deeper to try and appeal to the male vote, but she's not the guy with the moustache in the funny uniform. And remember it's Joe BIDEN, not Stalin."

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