November 29, 2007

FBI Warns of Midget Suicide Bomber Attacks

The FBI last night issued a stark warning that America could be targeted by thousands of midget suicide bombers intent on wreaking havoc across the nation.

In a hastily organized press conference, grim-faced Feds revealed that up to 1,000 dwarves had been enlisted by al Qaeda to carry out suicide attacks in unspecified locations throughout the country.

While details remain sketchy, sources close to President Bush tell Sergio Georgini that Osama Bin Laden’s terror group has been actively recruiting little people to take part in suicide missions for the last five years. It’s believed that many midgets are angry at their ongoing struggle to be fully accepted into society, and want to make a point by blowing themselves up with thousands of pounds of explosive.

Bin Laden’s Head of Little People Operations has been in close contact with Kenny Baker, who played the spirited android R2-D2 in the Star Wars series of films. Baker, along with two former Ewoks, has been leading negotiations and midget insiders claim the anarchist android actor has been promised a seat on Osama Bin Laden’s inner war cabinet in return for his co-operation.

Speaking on the condition of anonymity, a Department of Defense official said: “Our intelligence work has, until now, centered on the potential for more aircraft hijackings, or even a chemical or biological weapons attack. But now it’s clear that we’ve been way off the mark. The President has been informed that this country faces a clear and present danger. The enemy is small, but the risks are huge.”

The tiny-terrorists are believed to have formed a number of “mini-cells” in up to 20 major cities. Intelligence chiefs were first alerted to the threat after an anonymous tip-off warned that midgets across the country were starting to organize. This was later confirmed by an increase in “midget chatter”. The CIA started a surveillance operation on George Claydon – who played one of the Oompa Loompas in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory – and soon the plot began to unravel.

Our defense source continued: “Claydon was in constant touch with Baker, who in turn was soliciting Gary Coleman to join the terror network. We listened in on their phone conversations for more than a month, and what we heard was terrifying.

“The little lunatics planned to strap explosives to themselves and roll into small areas, which taller people couldn’t access. Some spoke about rolling under train track platforms, others mentioned stowing away on aircraft in cargo boxes and others planned to hide in trash bins on busy city streets.

“Perhaps the most worrying aspect was a series of vague references to the “Bouncing Bomb”. In this scenario, a partner, of average height, would accompany the midget. The destructive duo would casually walk down the street acting perfectly normally, but then in an instant the taller man would pick up the explosive-laden dwarf and toss him through an open window. The dwarf would land, and detonate the explosives – with devastating effect. This strategy would leave any shop or business at risk in any major city across America. The psychological effect would be huge.”

The Government admitted they do not know when the dwarves will strike, they do not know the location at which they will strike and they do not know the exact method of attack. So with F-15 jets patrolling the skies, defense analysts are still trying to determine how to minimize the impending midget threat.

Gregg Brandon, Editor of military strategy magazine Defending America, said: “With the aircraft hijacking threat, we were able to increase airport security and take a series of measures to minimize the likelihood of attack. But with this new dwarf threat, there really isn’t much we can do. Nobody has ever kept tabs on the number of midgets in this country, so we really are fighting an unknown enemy.”

November 27, 2007

Cleveland smoker challenges tobacco companies to “Give me your best shot, pussies.”

A Cleveland man has issued a challenge to tobacco companies to increase the potency of their cigarettes – but only if they dare.

Ryan Bristow has been an enthusiastic chain smoker for more than ten years, but now the lead-lunged addict has called for tobacco companies to take their products to the next level.

The 40-a-day Home Entertainment Retail Specialist is taunting major tobacco manufacturers such as Philip Morris, by questioning their sexuality if they don’t start producing a stronger, more nicotine-rich product. And in a strongly worded letter written in semi-literate English, Bristow urged tobacco firms to unleash an unhealthier cigarette – claiming his lungs were ready for a new, more exciting challenge.

Speaking from his front porch, Bristow said: “Now we’ll see exactly how tough these lily-livered assholes are. I’ve been buying their watered-down products for over ten years now, so as a consumer I think I deserve to have my voice heard.

“I’ve spent most of my adult life conditioning my lungs for this occasion. Now all I need to know is if those pussies that make the cigarettes are man enough to send me over their best cigarette. Because I can guarantee that I’ll take it without flinching. In fact I’ll be able to smoke whatever they throw at me for the next 20 years without so much as a hiccup. That’s how confident I feel.”

Bristow recently recovered from a bout of emphysema, which he claims was caused by excess pollen in the air. But now the coughing king of cockiness is back to his best and says he won’t rest until a more harmful nicotine-based product hits the store shelves.

Some of his proposals for a “super cigarette” include:

  • Removing the filter entirely and increasing the length of the cigarette to six inches
  • Allowing the cigarettes to marinade in up to ten banned chemical agents before packaging.
  • Coating the butt with a glucose glaze to encourage consumption by the smoker.

    He continued: “I saw that asshole the Surgeon General on TV, mouthing off that cigarettes have over 250 different chemical additives. Thank god that pussy isn’t running the country. What I’m saying is that if we have 250 chemical additives at the moment, let’s up that to at least 500. Hell, if they can do it let’s push for four figures.

    “People need to realize that there’s an exclusive club of hardcore smokers out there. At casinos you get the high rollers, who like to gamble with huge-ass amounts of money. Well this is exactly the same thing. I’ve trained my body for years to be able to resist even the harshest cancer-causing agents, so not it’s about time those tobacco company assholes rose to the challenge.”

    A spokesman for the Association of Tobacco Manufacturers said: “We do not have any immediate plans to mass-produce an “extra strength” cigarette, but we are sympathetic to the cause of people like Mr. Bristow. He should consider moving up to chewing tobacco, and then eventually unfiltered Havana cigars. Products such as these are almost guaranteed to give his lungs the challenge that he seeks.”

  • November 26, 2007

    Novelty ring tone fan calls for end to “Do Not Call” list

    A novelty ring tone-loving cell phone user is threatening to send the telecommunications world into disarray by launching a campaign to scrap the Federal Government’s Do Not Call List.

    The list was set-up in 2003 by the Bush administration as an attempt to slash the number of unsolicited telemarketing calls that have infuriated Americans up and down the country. But after receiving a brand New Nokia 34500 Turbo i GPS camera phone with optional novelty ring tones, Denver man Chuck Greenfield has announced it’s time to hang-up on the Do Not Call List.

    Chuck, who was thrilled that his phone came pre-loaded with the Outkast – Hey Ya ring tone, said: “Man, you’ve got to see this phone. It’s just the coolest thing. When I saw it in the store I knew I had to have it. It’s so tiny and shiny and all the buttons flash. But get this dude. It’s got a color screen and a camera attached to the end.  But the best thing….and I gotta tell you this completely blew me away…the best thing is that you can download ring tones which sound just like your favorite songs. How nuts is that?”

    After activating his phone, Chuck immediately played three games of Tetris and then connected to his GPS service to see if the satellite signal would be able to penetrate the walls of his local Mrs. Field’s cookie store.  But the best was yet to come. Chuck then dialed a special seven-digit telephone number and was able to download a novelty ring tone, which replicated the theme tune to The A-Team, only without the background sound effects of flying bullets.

    Chuck continued: “Once I installed The A-Team ring tone, I was in heaven. Each time I played it I kept thinking that the Crazy Fool Murdoch would walk through the door any second. Then I called the number again and got the theme tunes to Chips, and TJ Hooker. By this point I was totally hooked.”

    After several minutes, Chuck had added “Please Release Me” by Engelbert Humperdinck and “Nightshift” by The Commodores.  But his euphoria was short-lived. Amid all this musical magic, the mercurial mobile-lover realized that he needed somebody to call him in order to enjoy the full wonder of his new novelty ring tones. This was a problem. Summing the situation up, Chuck said: “To put it simply, I am a social leper.”

    The ostracized oddball was further infuriated when he learnt about the introduction of the Do Not Call list.  Chuck’s only hope of hearing his beloved novelty ring tones was through unsolicited phone calls – the very calls this disturbing list was attempting to ban.

    Chuck continued: “This whole piece of legislation is a sick joke. If I had it my way they’d be a Please Call at Will list. I want to be listening to these zany novelty ring tones all day long, but so far I’ve only had one call and that was a wrong number. I told the person on the phone that they were welcome to call me back anytime, but that didn’t seem to go down very well.

    “I can understand that many ordinary people would object to receiving phone calls during dinner, or after 8pm. But what about the people like me who have our own, novelty ring-tone needs? It’s tough when those ring-tones are just sitting there waiting to be played, but nobody calls. That’s like buying a gun but having nobody to shoot it at.”

     Chuck believes the novelty ring tone market is set to explode, and he’s already planning his next download.

    “I’d really like to try and find “Nothing’s Gonna’ Stop Us Now” by Starship and “Get Outta My Dreams, Get Into My Car” by Billy Ocean. These things are just the greatest invention since whistling key chains. People seem to love them. They’re especially popular in confined spaces, such as trains or buses.”

    Regarding the battle to tear-up the Do Not Call List, a defiant Chuck gave Sergio Georgini an exclusive glimpse into his campaign strategy. While the whimsical weirdo refused to give specific details, he did reveal that over the coming weeks he would:

    - Shout at the Television whenever a politician appeared on camera
    - Think about writing a letter to someone or other in power
    - Leave his mobile phone turned on all the time in order to encourage telemarketing calls

    Chuck concluded: “The fight’s only just beginning. This one’s going to go all the night. Now are you going to call me later on, or not. Please.”

    Blogged with Flock

    November 20, 2007

    Chuck Norris and Presidential Flair

    Presidential endorsements can make or break any election campaign.

    Of course the ultimate endorsement - the one that really matters - comes from the American electorate, but during the early stages of a Presidential campaign candidates are constantly working to get some big names under their belt (there's a joke there that I'm not even going to explore).

    The people's parasites have already been busy racking up the love notes. Just-For-Men poster child Mitt Romney won the backing of Moral Majority co-founder Paul Weyrich. I have no idea who these people are, but judging by the slightly arrogant nature of their name I'm tempted to conclude that the only majority they enjoy is in their own, deluded minds.

    Rudy got Pat Robertson (who should front a group called the Lobotomized Majority), John McCain couldn't get anybody that interesting so had to make do with former candidate Sam Brownback who was forced to withdraw because he had no money and no support, and Bill-ary has a list of supporters longer than John Edwards' morning shampoo and condition routine.

    But as much as politicians chase these big-name supporters, there's also a significant chance the tactic could backfire. And that's what's happening to Presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee.

    Just a quick re-cap for those of you who have better things to do than follow every move of a gang of egotistical power-crazed money wasters. Huckabee's the guy who believes in Adam and Eve - literally - and thinks the universe was created in fewer days than it takes for to ship me a book.

    Recent polls have shown Huckabee's support surging, but then the endorsements struck.

    Now while Bill-ary and Barack are getting some heavyweight political endorsements, Huckabee announce that none other than Mr. Chuck Norris was supporting his campaign.

    Yes, that Chuck Norris.

    Maybe I live in a strange bubble, but Chuck is not the most credible of political figures. In fact many people I know have elevated the bearded Delta Force star to a level of cult celebrity that's almost Hasselhoff-esque in its gravity.

    But it gets better. Yesterday, wrestler Ric Flair a.k.a. The Nature Boy has entered the Huckabee ring. You can almost hear the phone conversation now: "Hi Ric. Listen, we really appreciate your thinking on this but I think we have enough endorsements for Mike already. No, no....really there's no need. No, it would...Ric? Ric?"

    **phone slams down**

    "FUCK, Flair's decided he's going public. Somebody better call Mike and let him know."

    Because there must be people that politicians absolutely don't want to get endorsements from. How bad would it look if your main rival has the backing of Mayors, technologists, entrepreneurs and governors and all you can muster is one of The Golden Girls and an Olympic triple jumper?

    So I'll be watching the endorsement announcements very carefully. To the best of my knowledge Gary Coleman and Corey Feldman haven't endorsed a candidate yet, so if I were working on one of the candidates' campaigns I'd be keeping my fingers crossed that they don't come out and support my guy (or gal acting as a guy).

    November 19, 2007

    Steve Senise: Creepy IT Guy

    Dear Steve,

    I've been reading a lot about the Apple iPhone and am thinking about asking my husband to buy me one for Christmas. What are you thoughts on this device?

    Kind regards,

    Trenton, New Jersey

    Dessy baby, you want to hear what Steve Senise's favorite Apple product is? Let me tell you candy cane, it's the  iWantToCoverYouInChocolateRiceKrispiesWhileHubbyIsAtWork. You won't find that on, but Steve Senise can make it happen and I'll even throw in some extremely generous credit terms so that you can buy now and pay later.

    But listen to me my little chocolate button, Steve Senise has been doing some digital dribbling over the iPhone because the touch screen offers something that you just can't find anywhere else. Can I stroke your touch screen Desiree? Do you want to drag your finger across my LCD. You know what LCD stands for baby? Lovers Coi.....**coughs**.

    Whew. Things are getting a little heated in the iTrousers region Desiree. See what you did to me? Let me re-boot, re-configure and log-out of this Lover's Application that just won't seem to quit.

    Desiree? I don't think there's anything wrong with treating yourself to something sleek and smooth to help pass those long winter nights. What does your husband do Desiree? Is he an oil rig worker? He is, isn't he. I can tell. And let me guess, he's away for six months at a time.
    Sometimes longer. It must be tough - so, so tough. Just you, the tingling night air and your iPhone for company. I want you to know it's ok to think those thoughts that are running through your head like a sexaully charged Amtrak hurtling into Frustration Station. Let go. Grab your new toy Desiree. You need an outlet. Let's make some iSweetMusic together. Can i call you on your iPhone. What's your number Desireee? I promise I won't hang up this time after the first heavy breath....

    Dear Steve,

    I'm a Windows user and I'm concerned at the amount of viruses and spyware that are out there in the wild. What precautions should I be taking to keep my computer safe?


    Fort Worth, Texas

    Carol, Carol, Carol. What are we going to do with you? I know the world can be a tough, ugly place sometimes and you're probably looking for a knight in shining armour to pick you up, throw you on the back of an ice-white horse and whisk you away from the Bubonic Plague infected masses. I'm that Knight, Carol. I'm like the Knight Rider, except minus the black sports car that talks like Stephen Hawking. I want to take you to a better place and whisper in your ear before we go to bed each night that everything's gonna be alright. Because it is my little koala cub, it's gonna be fine. We'll run away from this unholy world together and we'll explore each other's minds, and each other's bodies and trust me - I won't need a roadmap. I won't even need to stop midway and ask a stranger for directions. I know which way to go candy corn, and I can't wait to plot every point on your mountainous terrain.

    A lot of people are concerned with viruses and spyware Carol, and the secret to success is very much like spending a night of passion with that very special person in your life. Is there a special person for you, Carol? Does he make you quiver like a double-bass string? Maybe it's a she, Carol. Maybe there are two shes. Are they your neighbors? Did you meet them at a volleyball tournament?

    So you need to work with your computer, not against it my creamy mango lassi. The two of you need to move to the same digital drumbeat and gyrate as one with the  rhythm of life. Don't push when the other pulls.  Don't dive when the other ducks. This is about harmony, and I'm not talking about the  sickly scented hairspray.

    Can i scan your system Carol? Can I de-fragment your hard drive? Can I paw through all your files and get inside every hidden directory? Can I spy in places that a system shouldn't be spied on? Let me in Carol. I'm no virus, I'm an antidote. An antidote to your frustration. I'm the cure, not the disease.

    Tear that firewall down Carol and download a bumper sized byte of Steve Senise.

    Blogged with Flock

    November 15, 2007

    Crown Prince of Laughter

    In a world that's all too devoid of humor, even during my bleakest hour of misery there are always two words that can bring a smile to my cobra bitten lips - "Saudi Arabia".

    For a good part of my life I thought that Saudi Arabia was a fictitious entity that had been dreamed up and presented to the world as real, in the same way that Santa Claus and John Edwards' chances of becoming President have been. But since the best and brightest writers in the TV industry are currently on strike - and the plot-lines from Saudi Arabia keep getting better and better - I now know this isn't the case.

    A couple of weeks ago King Abdullah graced the masses of my home country with an official state visit to the UK. During his stay, the enlightened man-of-the-people told the BBC that Britain wasn't doing enough to combat terrorism.

    Now on the one hand I agree with him. Almost all the 9/11 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia and the Saudi government is one of the biggest funders of radical Islamic schools in the world, so the easy answer for the UK would be to sever all ties with the King and his Cuckoo Kingdom. But somehow I don't think that idea was top of his "Terror Action Points" list.

    Having Saudi Arabia lecture the UK on preventing terrorism is like asking David Hasselhoff to host a seminar entitled "Just Say No To Booze and a Music Career in Germany." Abdullah's country is the Willy Wonka Chocolate Factory of extremism, where the oompa loompas are more likely to blow themselves up rather than sing a song about the perils of "gobbling down sweets".

    Sadly, the story doesn't end there. Today it was announced that a 19-year-old woman who was gang-raped 14 times has been sentenced to 6 months in prison and 200 lashes. Ignoring the fact that this woman had been violated in the most brutal way imaginable, the Saudi judicial system punished her for being in "an unrelated man's car during the time of the attack" and also "attempting to use the media to influence the judges".

    There's nothing quite like being lashed 200 times by a large bullwhip in a public square to help a woman overcome getting gang-raped. That'll teach her.

    Saudi Arabia is one of the largest oil producers in the world. They're holding the strings to the world economy and one tug in the wrong direction could send the entire global system into meltdown. Think about it carefully. Most powerful oil producing country in the world.....200 lashes for a woman who was gang-raped.

    The way I see it is this. I wouldn't give my entire life savings to Charles Manson to manage, so I'm not particularly comfortable with letting the Saudis run the oil show.

    This illustrates two clear points. Number one, America needs to take some of the hundreds of billions of dollars its spending on defense each year and give it to private entrepreneurs and scientists to find a viable alternative energy source.

    Number two, America needs to stop meddling in other nation's affairs. They don't want us to be there, and it's costing us way too much money, goodwill and human life. Intervention in foreign affairs should be limited to self-defense only.

    Because if our "friends" look like Saudi Arabia, I hate to think what a real enemy is.

    November 14, 2007

    The Clone Wars

    I never fully understood the excitement that surrounds the idea of human cloning.

    Right now we have way too many people on this planet, so the last thing society needs is a quick and easy way to dump millions of test-tube clones in the middle of human life. In fact unless those turkeys in England sneeze a little bit harder and start an avian bird flu epidemic, I think the world is doing just fine from a population standpoint.

    Scientists have recently announced that they've come one step closer to being able to clone monkeys. Before that it was Dolly the sheep, and then a dog called Snuppy.

    But where are the pandas in all this cloning action? If any species could do with a helping hand in the reproductive stakes, it's these black-and-white puffy eyed bamboo chompers. When you look at the panda's lack of ability to pro-create it's almost as if evolution is attempting to send us a message they we should just let them fade away gracefully. But nope, we ooo and ahh every time one of these bumbling beasts rolls-over in an obscure Chinese zoo and if a panda gets pregnant, it's bigger than the Superbowl.

    So pandas might be a good candidate for cloning, if only to save the rest of the world from the sickly sweet "And finally, on a lighter note...." news stories.

    But that brings us onto humans. We don't need cloning, because our ability to multiply is sadly far too effective. Take my hometown for example. Give a typical 16-year-old a crate of alco-pops and a 1 year free pass to a local nightclub (preferably with a name like "Panache" or "Krystals") and they'll reproduce faster than a pimple on Cameron Diaz's forehead. If there's one thing that people are good at it's making more people, and we don't need a gang of Gods in white coats to clog-up our buses and subways with more human DNA.

    One of the loudest arguments that I've heard against human cloning is the idea that a crazed dictator - such as Hitler or Saddam Hussein - could get hold of the technology and decide to clone themselves. Imagine the anarchy that could ensue if the world was injected with thousands of one-testicled dictators with wonky moustaches and funny walks.

    As horrendous as that sounds, there's a far greater fear that strikes me like a Deep Vein Thrombosis. Think about the slew of people you encounter every day. There's Dave the annoying co-worker who chews his food like a camel. Maybe the anonymous girl on the bus who thinks it's a good idea to clip her nails in public, dropping them all over your bag. Or what about Wesley the doorman who's constantly preaching about Jesus to you, the UPS man and anybody else who makes the mistake of coming within a three yard radius of him.

    Now they're the people we need to worry about. Forget about dictators, if ordinary people start being cloned then I think it's time to be concerned. Maybe the pandas aren't so dumb after all...

    November 13, 2007

    Cat's Daily Routine Baffles Owner

    I've been in a bad mood for the last two weeks after discovering that the BBC is now running ads all over its news homepage for users outside the UK.

    Apparently revenue from the ad units is being used to invest into better quality programming and more in-depth news reporting.

    So I'm assuming that means we can all look forward to more stories like this:

    "A cat is baffling his owner by wandering off at night before expecting to be collected by car every morning at exactly the same time and place."

    Yes, it's real. Read on for more...

    Blogged with Flock

    November 12, 2007

    God retires from public service after nasty bout of hemorrhoids

    The Heavenly Father has announced he plans to withdraw from public life after spending years fighting a losing battle against hemorrhoids,

    God delivered the stunning message through Pope Benedict XVI, who alerted the world in a televised speech on Sunday. In a rambling address, a visibly shaken Pope delivered God’s shock announcement in 46 languages, in a highly moving speech that lasted 369 hours.

    The Lord’s decision to retire from public service means that he will no longer shepherd life on earth on a daily basis. According to religious leaders, this could be devastating for the human race.

    Father Raymond Pips of the Boston Diocese said: "To put it plain and simply, now is not a good time to be a human being. If the Big Man takes his eye off the ball for just a fraction of a second, you can almost guarantee that the earth will be hit by disaster after disaster.

    "These ass grapes really couldn’t have come at a worse time for the world. The Middle East is in dire straits and we need the Lord’s help now more than ever. To think that he could be away applying Preparation-H when we need him to sort out the Iranian nuclear issue is, quite frankly, terrifying."

    Sources close to the Pope claim that God’s hemorrhoids were caused by spending thousands of years sitting on the throne in the Kingdom of Heaven. He last suffered a flare-up of the condition in 1939, when he temporarily left the throne to seek relief. While he was away, World War II – the most catastrophic conflict in human history – erupted.

    One of the Pope’s closest advisers contacted Sergio Georgini to offer this chilling analysis. He said: "All the signs currently point to the fact that God is becoming less concerned with life on earth, and more interested in his painful posterior.

    "Terrorist attacks are up, war is raging around the world and Wall Street is losing billions. If the Father was paying full attention to things, Bin Laden would be toast and the bankers would still be dropping millions on luxury consumer goods."

    Religious leaders predict that unless the Great Creator cures his hemorrhoids in the next two weeks, the earth will be hit by a series of catastrophic events. These events could include:

  • A socialist being elected as President of the United States in 2008
  • Workers being given equal rights and fair wages throughout the world
  • Another season of American Idol

    Father Pips concluded: "It’s important that we include God in all our prayers tonight, and pray that he can help himself cure this very embarrassing problem. It’s also important for people of all religions to let God know that he has nothing to be ashamed of. God made all humans in his image, and I can tell you that millions of Americans suffer from painful ass grapes. So with that being said, all we can do is hope that that the inflammation calms down and that he can get back to business as usual."

  • November 08, 2007

    Sacha Distel: Genius Video

    They don't make them like they used to. This was played at the intro to Morrissey's New York shows...

    November 06, 2007

    The Gambler

    Look around the world and you'll find double standards everywhere. Rupert Murdoch presents himself as a fine, upstanding religious man yet has no problems owning a newspaper that's made its name by plastering its pages with pictures of semi-naked women. Al Gore wants everybody to slash their carbon emissions, yet he's busy buzzing around in private jets and heating his 8 room mansion.

    But the biggest double standard of all has to relate to gambling.

    From my early school days, I was warned against the evils of gambling. It destroys lives, the teachers cautioned. It's a mug's game, my family cooed. It's more destructive than alcohol, the funny looking Reverend that used to wander into our classroom every couple of weeks announced.

    Yet if a child announces (and I should preface this by saying that any child who DOES announce the following needs to be lobotomized and thrown into juvenile care) they want to be a stockbroker, the teachers and the "career guidance" experts start wanking themselves silly. "What a great career?". "Banking will really take you places." "Get a degree in Economics and you'll fast-track yourself to a job in The City."

    Now there's a double standard bigger than one of Al Roker's stomach staples.

    So let me get this straight. I'm warned off spending a couple of nights in Vegas to play some blackjack and drink radioactive colored drinks, but I'm encouraged to take a job that involves taking a punt on a glorified roulette wheel with OTHER PEOPLE'S CASH. The logic is staggering.

    Wall Street and the stock market is a gambler's dream. Behind the analysts, the business TV shows and the smug grins, the brutal fact is that these people are paid to take my pension fund, stack all the chips on "23 black" and then spin the wheel.

    If lady luck smiles down on our banking friends, they get the chance to piss away their bonuses on $20,000 bottles of wine and I get the chance of retiring with enough money to pay for an upgraded gurney to wheel me out of my senior citizens' home when the inevitable mass organ failure strikes.

    But if the bankers' gamble doesn't pay off, they simply blame "market conditions" and I get to look forward to living off cans of kidney beans in my twilight years.

    Right now, the horses aren't really coming in for our Wall Street friends. A host of banks like Citi Group and UBS have written off more money in junk debts than some small countries collect in taxes. The write-downs are the surprising result of lending people who are broke large amounts of cash to buy a house, and then being surprised that none of them can afford to pay any of it back.

    You have to admire their balls at making such a gamble, but even somebody with my sub-standard social sciences background can tell you that lending money to people who don't have any income isn't without a slight element of risk.

    So when the banks and the politicians complain about "unusual market conditions", just remember who it was that created these conditions in the first place. And when your company starts laying people off and economic growth slows, remember that your teachers were right - gambling never pays.

    Well, OTHER people gambling never pays.

    White House Pet Campaign 2008: Blob Fish

    It's no secret that here at Sergio Georgini, we believe that dogs and cats are the animals of mere mortals. It's simply not right that the man (or woman acting as a man) who spends his mornings blowing-up obscure Middle Eastern countries in the name of freedom should have to make-do with petting a common golden retriever or Siamese kitten.

    America expects more, and before worrying about whether or not to issue drivers' licenses to illegal immigrants our potential leaders need to clarify a bigger issue - what pet will you take with you to the White House?

    This week's suggestion is the Blob Fish (pictured above). This fish inhabits the deep waters near Australia and I think not only could this creature capture the imagination and inspire a new generation of Americans, but could also help this country realize its foreign policy goals.

    Imagine this scenario. Vladimir Putin shows up at The White House and starts mouthing off about how he's going to resume long-range missile tests and plunge the world back into a new Cold War. The President simply needs to raise an eyebrow and utter these five words - "Bring out the Blob Fish."

    One glance at this unholy mass of chaotic DNA and Putin's going to think twice about fucking with the free world. His mind's going to start churning....."If this man (or woman acting as a man) keeps a Blob Fish as a pet, this is one person I don't want to cross swords with."

    It could work worldwide. Send Condi Rice to Iran with the Blob Fish in tow and watch Ahmadinejad suddently change his tune and ditch his nuclear antics. You simply don't want to screw around with somebody that thinks it's a good idea to bring a Blob Fish to an international peace summit.

    So I'm hoping that one of the candidates takes a long hard look at this week's Presidential Pet. There's a lot resting on its gelatinous, womb-like body.

    November 05, 2007

    After 20 years on the job, I.T worker decides to talk like the rest of us

    Champagne corks have been popping across South Dakota after a long-serving I.T worker announced he would start talking in a language that the rest of his friends and family understand.

    Bob Begley, who works as an I.T Help Desk Administrator for a mid-size pet insurance company, made the shock announcement to stunned colleagues on Friday. The illegible Information Technology specialist took the decision after his wife gave birth to their first child on Thursday.

    Bob’s wife, June Begley, said: “I’m so proud of Bob for taking this brave decision. For the last 20 years he’s been speaking in a language that none of us understood. It’s all been techno speak and, to be quite honest, it made married life difficult because I couldn’t tell you the first thing about computers.

    “But suddenly everything changed when I went into labor on Thursday. I gave birth to little Bob Jnr and as I was cradling our newborn son in my arms, Bob asked the doctor if he’d be taking little Bob Jnr for a ‘comprehensive system virus scan’. The doctor mumbled something about being a ‘prick’ under his breath, and that’s when it dawned on Bob that for best part of his life he’s been unable to communicate properly with anyone who doesn’t understand computers.”

    After the arrival of his new son, Bob immediately promised his wife that he would no longer use the words “I.P address”, “Network Communication Protocol” or “DLL System File” in the immediate aftermath of sex. He also made a pledge to start embracing the many thousands of everyday nouns, verbs and adjectives that ordinary Americans consistently use in conversation.

    Recalling a catalogue of past horrors, June revealed some of the low points in her marriage were when Bob:

  • Told a bemused doctor that McAfee or Norton, not Alexander Fleming, invented penicillin
  • Insisted that an epileptic boy in the middle of a seizure needed to simply be “re-booted”, rather than take his vital prescription medication
  • Dressed up his laptop like a Japanese Geisha Girl and took it on weekend excursions to the movies.

    June said: “I keep hearing about how the advancement of computer technology has made our lives so much easier, but for me it’s been a living hell. Probably the worst moment was when Bob decided to abandon the English language completely, and began to simply talk and write using a series of zeros and ones, which I later found out was something called binary code. It really was quite embarrassing at dinner parties when your husband talks like a demented puppet reciting the same two numbers over and over again. People naturally thought he was crazy.”

    Co-workers have also expressed their relief at Bob’s decision to jump across to the land of real people. ‘Fat’ Eddie Jaques, who works in pet insurance claims adjustment, said: “Bob’s a great guy but whenever you called that help desk he may as well have been talking in Arabic. Nobody had a goddamn clue what he was talking about. Everything was ‘server’ this, or ‘tcp/ip’ that – it just didn’t make sense to anyone.

    “If you asked him for lunch, rather than saying he was hungry….he’d say some bullcrap like ‘Indeed, I think it is time for my scheduled system maintenance’. I’d be like ‘Dude, I only want to know if you wanna grab a sandwich and a cup of coffee.’”

  • November 03, 2007

    Welcome To The Dark Ages

    Every now and then I have to jab myself in the eyes with a glockenspiel stick just to serve as a reminder that we're living in the 21st Century, and not a fantasy-ridden dream that's the unfortunate product of my subconscious.

    It all started yesterday morning. There I was sucking down a cup of coffee like a caffeine hungry Dirt Devil getting ready for the capitalist hamster wheel to start rolling, when I stumbled across this.

    I almost spat my drink over Matt Lauer's LCD enclosed head and had to lower the TV volume to make sure I had read the story properly and that it wasn't some kind of belated April Fool's Day prank.

    The story centered on a "spirit medium" called Normatter Tagarira who managed to...wait for it....convince Robert Mugabe's government in Zimbabwe that she could produce unlimited amounts of diesel fuel by simply tapping a rock with a stick.

    A rock. With a stick.

    So convincing was her story that the geniuses in charge of Zimbabwe gave her almost $1 million in cash and also threw in a farm for good measure.

    Of course the whole thing was a scam but it took Zimbabwean government officials more than 15 months to figure out that a 35-year-old witch wasn't actually able to replicate the feat of a bunch of dead plants and animals, and millions of years of slow cooking.

    Just for the record, the US Government has given over $400 million of aid to Zimbabwe over the last five years. I'm sure it'll be spent wisely.

    Later in the evening I switched on Fox News - the Comedy Central of current affairs - and happened to catch an interview with Republican Presidential candidate Mike Huckabee. "Do you believe in Adam & Eve," the interviewer asked? "Yes I do," Huckabee shot back without a flicker of doubt.

    Ok Mr. Future-Most-Powerful-Person-In-The-World, just to confirm you're endorsing the story with the garden, the serpent and the Granny Smith that didn't quite taste right. How reassuring.

    At this point I was starting to think that the weight of my beer gut had caused a rip in space-time and I'd fallen back through a wormhole to the middle ages. But alas, no.

    Reaching for the TV control, I flicked over to The Travel Channel and found myself watching a bunch of screeching, semi-hysterical Brits prowling around old houses at times of the night when most honest English are vomiting outside kebab houses.

    The show - called Most Haunted - films a bunch of ghost-hunters who seem to only have three sentences in their entire vocabulary. "Did you hear that?", "What was THAT?" and my personal favorite, "What the hell......".

    The third is so dramatic - and usually reserved for when a floorboard creaks or a lightbulb flickers - that the gormless host/psychic investigator/medium can't bring themselves to finish the sentence.

    My mind was still buzzing with rocks, sticks, diesel and serpents and suddenly I'm confronted with a lispy psychic claiming to be "channeling" a spirit while the rest of the crew ooo and ahhh like slow kids at a firework show.

    The last straw came this morning while waiting for the bus to the gym. Minding my own business, two Jehovah's Witnesses approached us and shoved a pamphlet in our face. Titled "Who Really Rules The World?", it issues a warning to avoid evil spirits and reassures us that while the world is up shit creek, God's about to fix everything......soon.

    Cue glockenspiel stick in eye. The human propensity to believe in things that are so ridiculous and devoid of any kind of evidence never fails to amaze me. Whether it's meeting 88 virgins in heaven, contacting dead Uncle Arthur by looking into an empty tea cup or thinking that dabbing drops of water with a single molecule of elder flower can cure cancer, we just can't get enough of this stuff.

    And this takes me back to theme that will run throughout this blog. While I believe wholeheartedly in evolution, I have no doubt that we as a species are a long, long way from being anywhere close to evolved.

    Two thousand years ago our ancestors believed in sun gods, rain dances and demons. What's the difference between them and us? A sharp suit and an unhealthy dose of arrogance.

    November 01, 2007

    The Spin Out Zone: Beyonce's Breasts

    Weekly columnist Lil' Bill shares his fair and balanced perspective on news and current events. We distort - you deride.

    By Lil’ Bill

    Beyonce Knowles’ breasts. That’s the subject of this week’s memo.

    A recent report by the politically independent Conservative Right Against Porn group – or CRAP for short – stated that the increasingly provocative behavior of mega-stars such as singer Beyonce, could be harming American children.

    The report claims that stars such as Miss Knowles – who has become a household name on the back of wearing revealing outfits that expose ample quantities of flesh – are corrupting the morality of our kids and hurting society.

    The Spin-Out Zone believes that stars like Beyonce have an obligation to clean up their act, and to stop cashing-in at every opportunity by putting money before morality. We have no time for people like this, and I’ve written a whole chapter on the subject in my new book, Spring Cleaning America, which is available for $29.99 from most good bookstores. It really is a great read and I’d encourage all Americans – young and old – to digest and absorb the advice I offer.

    But back to the breasts. Miss Knowles has joined the likes of Ludacris, Nelly, Fifty Cent and MC Hammer, who have made careers by thrusting sexual imagery and foul language down the throats of our nation’s youth. The Spin Out Zone believes that these people are morally bankrupt individuals whose only goal is to peddle filth in order to make cold, hard cash. And in case I didn’t mention this earlier, my new novel Murder In The Newsroom is now available through our online store. Now I must say that this novel is not for kids. It contains some mature themes, but I know my adult readers will find it a highly engrossing read.

    But enough of me. Unless it’s included in a work of fiction by a white, middle-aged news analyst, sex, violence and bad language have no place in this country. I believe that ordinary Americans – the folks – are going to rise up against this and make their voices known. Because remember, we’re just looking out for the little guys, the ordinary Americans.

    And do you know who’s going to suffer? The big corporations who back this kind of socially irresponsible material. Viacom, Hearst, ABC, NBC….these are the guys who are going to start losing money when the folks realize what’s going on. It’s about time that these giant corporations – with the notable exception of News Corporation, which has a justifiable reason for printing pictures of half-naked women in Britain’s largest newspaper The Sun – are bought to account. And the quicker the better.

    The Spin Out Zone is sick of the bleeding-heart liberals like the ACLU and The New York Times who seem intent on drowning Americans in a torrent of sex, drugs, death, and evil. Ultimately, the only way to settle an argument or to find the truth is to ask yourself this question - "What would Jesus think?"

    Now, I can’t speak on behalf of The Son Of God but I’m going to try anyway. I think – correction, I know – that the Great Messiah wouldn’t be loading up his CD stereo with songs about bitches and whores. And that’s just a fact.

    So when Jesus is personally against something, you’ve got a big problem on your hands. And until these rappers can make it onto the Lord’s playlist, they don’t have any credibility in the eyes of all Americans up and down the country.

    And that’s the memo.

    Next Week: Homeless black guys are getting free food and shelter in Indiana. We tell you who’s paying for it.

    And, lawmakers in Colorado want multi-millionaires like your humble columnist to pay more taxes to help the unemployed find work. As always, I’ll present both sides of the argument, and then conclude that only my opinion is right.

    Until next time.

    October 31, 2007

    Sick Or Treat?

    If you strip away the candy-coated exterior, Halloween is essentially an incredibly efficient extortion racket.

    Once a year millions of children dressed in an assortment of zany outfits descend on homes across America and demand candy, and if they don't get any there's an implicit threat to unleash an act of mischief on the non-payer.

    And it works. Not only does it work, but people can't get enough of it. Adults rush out to fill bowls the size of Luxembourg with chocolate treats and positively will the hordes of scamps to knock on their door and clear them out of snacks. Kids get to wear costumes and have a great time, which in turn makes the adults even happier when they see the kids having a great time. It's a truly brilliant concept.

    So brilliant, in fact, that I think it's time to extend this gem of an idea into new areas of life. If we can actually persuade people to give stuff away and make them feel good about doing it, then quite frankly we need to nurture this concept and make it work in other, exciting ways.

    Take healthcare for example. I don't care if you're Democrat or Republican, there are very few people who'd deny that having millions of people without health insurance is a good thing for the country. But - as with most things in life - nobody wants to pay for it.

    So today I'm unveiling my solution to America's healthcare woes - Sick Or Treat.

    It goes something like this. The Federal government adds a new holiday to the calendar....let's call it Sick Or Treat Day for now. In order to celebrate Sick Or Treat Day, American children will be encouraged to dress-up in costumes - maybe as a surgeon, nurse, Avian Flu Virus or Dr. Dre - and then knock on every door in their community.

    When somebody answers the door, the kid just needs to utter the words "Sick Or Treat" and demand $10 for the "Treat". Now, for Sick Or Treat Day we're aiming big. We're aiming to hit every house in the country - a number which runs into the millions.

    If you multiply $10 by the total number of homes in America, you've got yourself a sizable chunk of change - and that cash would immediately be poured into a Government sponsored healthcare scheme.

    It's like Halloween all over again, but with benefits. The kids have a great time, the adults have a great time and while everyone's so busy having a great time the USA is building a brand new universal healthcare system.

    The answer to our healthcare problems doesn't rest with private insurance schemes or higher income taxes, but rather with the collective cuteness factor of our nation's youth. I'd much rather give a 4-year old dressed as Debbie The Doggie Dermatologist $20 then I would the IRS, or God forbid a politician.

    So forget the boy scouts, forget the Peace Corps, and forget the after-school clubs. We need to harness the "awwwwww" factor of our kids to raise the funds we need to provide services and benefits for millions of Americans.

    Clinton, Obama and Romney take note. This is a revolution waiting to happen - which one of you will be brave enough to light the spark?

    Supreme Court legalizes gay marriage, but outlaws gay divorce


    The gay community was forced to swallow a bitter-sweet pill on Wednesday when the Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage, but in the same breath outlawed same-sex divorce.

    The shock decision was designed to appease both sides of the gay marriage debate, but privately Republican strategists were calling the decision a victory for "common sense".

    Under the new ruling, gay and lesbian couples throughout America would be free to tie the knot without restriction. But once married, the same-sex sweethearts would be locked into a legally binding relationship for life. Religious leaders hope this provision will deter gay couples from marrying once the reality sinks in that when the ring hits the finger, there's no way out.

    A Republican insider said: "This really is a great decision for America. Allowing homosexuals to have equal rights and happiness is nothing less than criminal. So now with this ruling, we’re saying to gays who are thinking of tying the knot 'If you can't do the time, don't commit the crime'."

    "The thought of marriage might seem appealing now, but these people will have to think long and hard about what they're getting into. Are they going to be happy in five or 10 years? What about 20? What happens if one partner starts leaving the toilet seat down, or decides to let themselves go? There's no way out. This really is a life sentence."

    Independent legal analyst Steve Somers says this decision firmly puts the ball back into the court of the gay community. “They’ve got exactly what they wanted, but their mistake was to completely ignore the issue of divorce. If somebody told you that you could buy a house, but you'd never be allowed to sell it in the future, you'd have to think long and hard about making the investment. That's exactly the situation that gay people are in right now. They may think they love their partner, but are they 100 per cent sure they want to commit for life?”

    Talking off the record, one of the Justices revealed that the court had attempted to balance one sin by removing another from the equation. He explained that allowing gay people to get married was a sin against God in the first place, but banning them from getting divorced would prevent them from sinning twice.

    He said: "If you think about it, this makes perfect sense. The majority of straight people will get married, and then get divorced - effectively committing one sin. Now with gay people, we're going to legally allow them to commit a sin by getting married, but we're also saving them from themselves by ensuring they don't sin twice by getting divorced. God may be a forgiving kind of fella, but he sure as hell ain't gonna stand by and scratch his ass while people keep committing sin after sin. I think any reasonable, right-wing, clear thinking, conservative religious American can see that.”

    A spokesman for the gay rights community said: “Those right-wingers really are sneaky sons of bitches. With this ruling, they've started to plant all kinds of unreasonable thoughts in my head. My partner looks great now, but what happens when his six-pack is replaced by a beer gut and his hair starts falling out. Do I really want to wake up to that every morning? I mean...Jesus Christ….why can't the world just leave us alone to be happy like everyone else?”

    October 30, 2007

    French Fry Coated Hot Dog

    Every now and again we stumble across acts of human innovation that simply take our breath away. For some it's ancient architecture or paintings that touch the soul. For others it's the spine tingling sound of classical music, or a poignant passage of prose in a poem or book. For me.....well check out the above.

    No single thing encapsulates both the brilliance and the horrendous flaws of market capitalism as the French Fry Coated Hot Dog.

    Sold as a popular street snack in South Korea, it's this kind of innovative creativity that's helped power the human species ahead of our neighbors in the animal kingdom. If I wasn't such a firm disciple of Darwin and evolution, this would almost convince me to believe in the notion of Intelligent Design.

    America, the world is awaiting your response. We can't be humiliated in the world of grossly unhealthy foods by the South Koreans. Ladies and gentleman, start your friers please....

    Steve Senise: Creepy IT Guy

    Each week creepy computer expert Steve Senise will answer questions from Sergio Georgini readers.

    Dear Steve,

    I am a young woman who has little experience using computers. My parents bought me a new P.C. for my birthday, and now I'm trying to improve my skills. I've been having some problems using the mouse, and I was hoping you could give me some tips on how to properly control it.


    Linda, Maine

    Hi Linda.

    You mind if I call you Lyn? No, I didn't think so. Lyn it is then. I used to know a dancer called Lyn from out Reno way. She had a face like a bag of smashed crabs but a body tighter than a Luther Vandross lyric. We used to sleep away the days, and grind away the nights, without a care in the world. She was a sweet piece of pie Lyn, smoother than pumpkin and zestier than key lime. Such a shame that the harassment charge stuck, otherwise I might still be there today. can almost hear the question dripping off your lips. The truth is that you have to handle the mouse like you'd handle a sexually experienced woman. It might be a little intimidating to deal with at first, but once you start pressing the buttons with a natural rhythm it'll be putty in your hands. Now, I'm not sure if you're into women Lyn, but if you are there's no shame to admit it. We're all friends here, and Steve Senise doesn't judge anyone. It's your choice Lyn but, if you are, you'll be giving me some sweet thoughts to take to the sack tonight.

    Lyn, I have to ask you a question. What's a beautiful woman like you doing using a computer? You should be outside, gyrating under the warm summer rain and tasting the sweet fruit of life. But honey-bee, if you're going to insist on staying behind those cold, gray walls of your home, then Stevie Senise can't turn down a cry from help from such a delightful damsel in distress.

    You have to grab that mouse like you're handling the crown jewels. Watch your arm slowly sway from side to side like a slippery, inquisitive python, and allow your fingers to gradually unfurl and gently click in all the right places.

    That's it baby. I can hear it clicking now. You click like you've been doing it all your life. Don't stop now honey. Keep going. That's good. Keep it moving.

    Lyn...sugar-mouse...I hope that answer was as good for you as it was for me. Please write again. Please. Tell me you will. Don't call the cops. I just want to be your friend.

    Dear Steve,

    I've been reading about the growth of wireless Internet access, and was wondering if you could explain what this is and how I can get it?

    Danny, Kansas

    Hey Danny-Boy,

    Steve Senise always believes that to understand how a machine works, you must first compare it to how a human being works. We're all human, Dan, and there ain't no shame in that. We're all human and we all like to explore. Do you explore yourself Danny? If you do, here's a quick word of advice. Don't do it in the parking lot of Applebee's. Or if you do, make sure you've got some of those tinted windows in your vehicle.

    So Daniel-son, wireless Internet is very much like spending that first, explosive night with the special girl in your life. It's new, it's exciting, there are no inhibitions to tie-you down, and it's extremely quick. Now Dan, I'm not trying to say Steve Senise's first night with his high-school sweetheart was extremely quick – in fact I've always blamed the lack of alcohol for the runaway pace of events – but I would strongly recommend drinking cooking sherry as a means of reining back the bolting racehorse if things get too hot and heavy. You might want to write that one down, because god knows I wish I had.

    But Dan, do you mind if we stay focused on the question? You've got to stop going off on a tangent like that. Wireless technology is new, so the thrill factor is still there. You have the excitement of the chase, and after that the liberated freedom to have fun wherever you choose. Could be the bed, or the couch, or even in the bathroom. In the early days location doesn't matter. You can be spontaneous. The world is your nectar-rich, lightly sautéed oyster.

    But brother, this shit ain't no vintage wine – it only gets worse with age. You gotta keep it fresh and mix things up. If you don't do that, make sure you hook yourself up with some cozy bedtime reading material. You know what I'm saying there, don't you? I ain't talking about no Moby Dick, I'm talking about something a little bit more lightweight but a whole lot more satisfying. I know we're on the same wavelength Danny.

    So Dan. Tell me you'll do it. Promise you'll do it for Steve Senise. Go out and explore this darkly alluring area and feast on its riches while you can. Come on, man. Do it for me. Can I watch?

    Dear Steve,

    I've heard a lot about "hot keys" on a computer keyboard. What do people mean when they use this expression?

    Debbie, Chicago

    Debbie...kitten……your voice is like a fire-roasted melted marshmellow that's just dripping all over my eardrums. So what do we have here then, huh? We have a set of hot keys for a very special hot little lady from the Midwest. I hope you don't think I'm getting too up close and personal here Debbie, but I can just imagine your perfectly-formed fingers dancing all over that keyboard and it sends shivers down my spine.

    But sugar, you know that all things "hot" are always great. Hot cakes, hot summer nights, hot cocoa, Hot Shots. Well, maybe not the last one. I really think that Charlie Sheen has done better work, but every rule has its exception.

    So baby doll, those hot keys are just aching to be tapped. Don't be scared of taking the plunge. You can start gentle, and slowly accelerate but, if you don't try them you'll regret missing out.

    Here's the best bit angel-eyes. Your hot keys can get you on the Internet with just one press. Now, I wouldn't normally do this but I can send you a link to my personal web site. I'll even give you a back-stage password so that you can check out some of my latest photo galleries. Will you leave me message? Just type a few words baby. Type a few words on those hot keys of yours. And when you leave me a message, can you call me "Barry". That's the name I like to use when I'm online. Barry. Big Barry. Ok, what are you waiting for. Go online now. I'll see you in the chat room.

    October 29, 2007

    Because We Must

    Morrissey is everything a lead singer should be. Great hair, impeccable style, sense
    of high drama which verges on the ridiculous, and a trademark voice that's instantly recognizable.

    With a career that spans over 20 years, the Great Man ended his 5 night residency at New York's Hammerstein Ballroom with a spirited flourish which served to remind the audience exactly what they should expect from a front man. Chris Martin and Co. take note.

    After a bouncy and lightweight - yet srangely fulfilling - set from opening act Girl In A Coma, the curtain lifted for the main event.

    Firing off with a thumping rendition of The Smiths' Stop Me If You Think You've Heard This One Before, Morrissey took the crowd on a rollercoaster ride through his now extensive back catalogue.

    From the poppy, Steven Street days came Last Of The Famous International Playboys and a pulsating romp through Interesting Drug. A nod to the Rockabilly era of Your Arsenal came in the form of Sister I'm A Poet (complete with double bass), and memories of Vauxhall and I came flooding back with the strongest song on that record, Why Don't You Find Out For Yourself?

    The band were tight and confident and injected a newfound muscle to the sound as they powered through some more recent songs from the excellent You Are The Quarry. Thankfully, only one track (You Have Killed Me) was played from the snooze-fest that was Ringleader Of The Tormentors.

    But it was the sprinkling of songs from his days in The Smiths that really landed the knockout blow. The jingly-jangly guitars that still have Johnny Marr's name written all over them led Morrissey effortlessly through Girlfriend In A Coma and the now default crowd pleaser How Soon Is Now.

    But that was just for starters. A beautifully meandering stroll through Stretch Out And Wait was later followed by a truly extraordinary swaggering, swirling performance of Death Of A Disco Dancer which captured a heady mixture of fore-boding aggression and delicate fragility. By the time our blue-shirted protagonist had collapsed on the floor in faux-despair during Please, Please, Please Let Me Get What I Want, the crowd were eating from his frequently out-stretched hand.

    The encore of First Of The Gang To Die prompted the masses to surge to the front and bodies were hoisted aloft and thrusted toward the stage - of which two people actually made it on. Then the shirt was off, tossed into the crowd like a piece of meat as the feeding frenzy began.

    I managed to squeeze my ungainly frame to the second row from the stage and for a split second - while being thrown around during the encore - I felt 15 years younger. Yet the law of mathematics is such a wonderful equalizing force, and when I woke up this morning with a feeling that a small huddle of Boy Scouts had started a camp fire in both of my knees I realized that those 15 years had been clawed back, and another 20 had been added just to teach me a lesson.

    To fully appreciate Morrissey, you have to understand that the devil is often in the detail. A raise of an eyebrow, the flick of the microphone cable, the unfurling of a hand, the sway of the head - they're all critical components of his stage persona, and his performance and you either get it, or you don't.

    At 48, it's somewhat surprising that Morrissey is still as relevant as he is. Some point to this as a sign of his unique charisma, while others see it as a sign of the increasingly bland music scene.

    I think it's probably a bit of both. After all, when was the last time you got a kick in the head fighting for a shirt at an Elton John concert?

    October 27, 2007

    Riding With The Retards

    Putting the excellent 1980s band to one side for a moment, there are no two words that strike fear into my heart quite like "General Public".

    Hop on a bus, subway or train and within five minutes you'll truly appreciate what a slow process evolution is. The moron gene that seems to be carried by so many of our species shows no sign of mutating in a hurry - and for the misguided souls among us who believe in Intelligent Design, I challenge you to hop on the M15 bus with me on a Saturday and show me the intelligence.

    I used to be a socialist many years ago - I was the guy marching for students/workers/single mothers/academics/litter pickers rights and it was something I believed passionately in. But then the crisis of confidence started.

    You see the more people I encountered, the more convinced I became that humans simply haven't evolved enough to make socialism work. The idea is great and I desperately wanted to believe in it. But the General Public continued to give me a never ending stream of reasons to question the validity of the socialist dream that seemed to make so much sense in the text books.

    Today's political kick in the radicals came on the Donwtown 6 train. It had been raining outside and as a result the subway was busy - standing room only and Italian tourist's elbow in the testicles busy.

    As our burgeoning human cattle train left 59th street, the legend pictured above decided to pull his crappy Palm Treo from his bag and proceed to play Gangster Rap through the phone's speaker. This continued all the way down to 28th street.

    I don't really understand what the mind-set is here, but it doesn't take an advanced degree in social dynamics to appreciate that a crowded subway car probably has no interest in listening to your iTunes library, especially through a tinny, piece of shit cell phone.

    So if Fat Boy Dim can't appreciate this little point, I don't have very much incentive to re-distribute any of my wealth (my "wealth" consists of a guitar and a Ronco Showtime Rotisserie) or sip from a shared cup of solidarity.

    The old cliche is that the older you get, the more conservative you get. On reflection, I think that's simply because the older you get, the more people you encounter. And the more people you encounter, the more you find yourself wishing Bird Flu would finally make that final species jump.

    So in order for socialism to really work, we need to pick somewhere that's going to be free from the destructive drip drip effect of human encounters.

    The People's Republic of Antarctica. Now that has a nice ring to it.

    October 26, 2007

    Bin Laden plans to get away from it all with Alaskan cruise

    A new audio tape purportedly from Osama Bin Laden claims the terror chief plans to escape the stresses of everyday living by taking a two-week cruise around Alaska.

    In a spirited five-minute speech, the evil extremist thanked Allah for showing him the path to The Alaska Tour & Travel Company and expressed hope that he’d be able to secure a starboard-side cabin not too far from the captain's mess.

    The Al-Jazeera Television network says it acquired the tape from an unnamed source, and that independent analysts had verified its authenticity.

    At one point, the bushy-faced bomb lover proclaims: "Praise be, Allah. The Mighty Warrior from the sky has ordained me, his humble servant, to join a Mighty Warrior in the sea that goes by the name of Island Princess.

    "I have had many visions of this great day and my dreams have been filled with images of interesting port towns, historic railroad trips and unusual wildlife. Allah, oh mighty God, has commanded me to ditch my humble mountain robes for a pair of bright-white slacks, a navy, gold-buttoned blazer and a sky-blue flat cap.

    "The war in the caves is over, and now we take the battle to America’s picturesque commercial shipping routes."

    CIA analysts have noted that the tape marks a distinct shift in the terrorist mastermind's tone. In previous recorded speeches, Bin Laden had referred to America as "The Great Satan" and had warned that: "The Americans, the masters of evil, the great oppressors, will be chased out of every village and every town, both in their own land and abroad. They will have nowhere to hide." But in the latest audio tape, the al Qaeda leader simply says: "To all Americans, I say this. How hot is Alaska in May?"

    Later in the recording, Bin Laden outlines some of his plans for the near future. But rather than involving hijackings and terror attacks, they include:

  • Playing a game of mini-golf after breakfast, but only if weather permits
  • Taking an afternoon class in tea dancing
  • Joining the on-board early morning step-aerobics session, with optional free-style weights

    A close associate of Bin Laden sent a hand scribbled-note via carrier pigeon to the Sergio Georgini news desk, explaining Osama's new strategy.

    The note reads: "Let’s face it, the great Father Bin Laden is one of the most resilient figures on God's earth, but even for him it's a pain in the ass to have to move from cave to cave on a daily basis. He's been living off withering roots and stagnant water for a year and a half, and even he needs to kick back from time to time. He told me in confidence that he just wants to sip a cocktail and feel the Alaskan breeze whistle through his beard."

    Allies of the fuzzy-faced fanatic are now formulating a plan for how to get him from the mountainous region of Pakistan, to the Canadian sea port of Vancouver. With American intelligence blanketing the region, al Qaeda will have its work cut-out transporting the misguided maniac.

    A defense source said: "Somehow they've got to get him from Pakistan, over to Canada and they sure as hell know that we'll be watching their every move. There's no denying that Alaska is a beautiful state, but you have to wonder if he wouldn't have made his life easier by opting for a one week vacation in Kabul.”

  • It's iWank Day For Apple Fans

    The date is Friday October 26th and that can only mean one thing - welcome to iWank day.

    Apple lovers up and down the United States are tingling in geeky excitement as the Cupertino based company unveils its new operating system, OS X Leopard.

    Early reviews in the New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and USA Today have all been positive, and the early consensus is that while this isn't a hugely radical upgrade, it still urinates on Windows from a very great height.

    Some of the most notable enhancements include:

  • Time Machine - an intuitive way to back-up files via a beautifully designed interface
  • Quick Look - a feature that lets you view any file in one click without having to open the application it's associated with
  • Spaces - a way to create multiple desktops to better organize open windows and reduce clutter
  • iChat - new enhanced video chat features that allow a user to remotely control the desktop of the person they're chatting with
  • Web clipping - "cut out" any part of any web page in Safari and your clipping instantly becomes a dynamic widget that will sit within Dashboard

    There are other upgrades too - Apple cites 300 in total - but these are the biggies.

    I've been a Mac user for over five years now and the old adage is true: "Once you go Mac, you never go back." My copy of Leopard is shipping from Amazon and should be with me on Monday or Tuesday. Once I get it installed, I'll post a full review.

  • October 25, 2007

    Signs That You Might Be A Fundamentalist Christian: # 1

    Do you ever feel compelled to cheat thousands of vulnerable people out of their hard earned money by asking them to buy "Holy Water" or "Prayer Cards" for the bargain price of $49.95?

    Do you have an insatiable appetite for German made sports cars? Can you cure Ebola and Bird Flu by simply tapping somebody on the forehead and shouting very loudly in their ear?

    Congratulations, you may have what it takes to be a Televangelist Fundamental Christian!

    In the first of a brand new series, Sergio Georgini will reveal some of the tell-tale signs that could determine if a TV camera, a bible and a six figure salary feature in the Lord's plans for you.


    You feel insulted and "dehumanized" when scientists say that people evolved from other life forms, but you have no problem with the Biblical claim that we were created from dirt.

    You can find more gems like this here.

    Picture courtesy of Philistine Shirts

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    White House Pet Campaign 2008: Angora Rabbit

    From cats to canaries, Presidents of the United States have always attached great importance to the warm, fuzzy friends that sit on their laps in the Oval Office (and I don't mean Monica Lewinksy).

    Bush has a couple of Scottish terriers. Bill had a cat called Socks. JFK had a pair of Hamsters called  Billie and Debbie.

    But if a politician wants my vote - especially a President - I want someone who's keeping a strangely exotic animal that I've never heard of before. Screw taxes and No Child Left Behind - just show me the pets.

    So today, Sergio Georgini is launching its White House Pet Campaign 2008.  Over the coming weeks I'll be showcasing a series of pets that I'd order my chief of staff/intern/United Nations minion to immediately go and procure. Not only do I expect this story to set the election news agenda for the coming months, but I truly believe that if we pull together we can really make a difference, and make the world of pet keeping a better place.

    We kick of our campaign with the Angora Rabbit (pictured above).  The Angora is one of the oldest types of domestic rabbit, originating in Ankara, Turkey, along with the Angora cat and Angora goat.

    If I saw Hilary pictured with one of these little beauties I'd punch my hole next to her name faster than you can say "Furball".

    For those of you who want more animal action, check out this rather nice Presidential Pets quiz that the company that pays my electricity bill developed.

    Blogged with Flock

    October 24, 2007

    Social Hibernation and Reverse SEO

    Letting Microsoft get involved with Facebook is kind of like inviting a divorce lawyer with a crystal meth problem to your honeymoon.

    But that's exactly what's happened, with news that Billy Boy Bowl-Head's empire has bought a minority stake in the social networking company for about $240 million.

    Users of Facebook - and I count myself as one of them - will testify that it offers a vastly superior user experience over its clunky, slow, Murdoch-owned rival. But it's that thought alone that makes anyone who knows how to use a mouse slightly concerned that they've hopped into bed with a company that's renowned for buggy, non-sensical, dull and generally difficult to use products.

    But the good news for common bystanders like you and I is that we can sit back and watch the inevitable social networking backlash unfold.

    Here's how it goes. I was chatting with my boss last week about the concept of "Reverse SEO". This idea sprang to mind during a conversation we had at dinner about how many relevant search results are returned when you Google your own name.

    A couple of people at the table mentioned they'd unearthed random photographs of themselves taken years ago, that had obviously been tagged with their names. Others reported articles and other obscure  references that appeared in Google's results.

    Since search engine crawl everywhere and everything, we discussed ways of actually stopping your name  from getting out on the Internet. The obvious way is not to post anything online, but that doesn't stop other people from tagging something that identifies you.

    So what's the answer? Well, our slightly drink-addled solution was Reverse SEO. Creating a privacy mechanism for people that effectively allows them to remove any trace of their names or identity from search engines. From ex-wives trying to avoid ex-husbands to people who get slightly weirded out that the office IT help desk person posted a picture of them on a blog in Bavarian milkmaid outfit, Reverse SEO would be a great solution.

    Now take that idea to the next step. As more and more people join social networking sites and as the technology starts to mature, users might not realize exactly how many footprints they're leaving all over cyberspace. From personal photographs, to bookmarks, to videos, to blog comments - the intricate ties that social networks weave mean we're exposing more of ourselves to the world than ever before.

    So what happens next? Maybe social networking is replaced with social hibernation. Perhaps a new movement develops that advocates withdrawing from online life and becoming a cyber-hermit.

    Well, maybe.

    Don't miss next week's post when I attempt to justify why my previous predictions of backlashes against reality TV/Wal Mart/Starbucks/Cell Phones/SUVs have yet to materialize.

    Poffins Poffins® Traditional Pet Coffins

    As somebody who has his puffy, spastic face pushed firmly against the shop window of entrepreneurship, it always makes me glow with radioactive pleasure whenever I see a business doing well.

    A couple of years ago my good friend Jack Thorpe enlightened me to The Poffin - the number one way to bury your pet in style.

    This is something I could have used many years ago during my goldfish owning days, although in retrospect I think the hand-crafted mahogany might have got wedged in the toilet pipe after a vigorous flush.

    Obviously the pet-owning public have openly embraced the Poffin, because the product line is expanding and I was extremely excited to learn about the new DNA Necklace.

    According to the site - and I quote - "Our links with an international bio tech company allows us to use the technology that now exists to produce a stunning, platinum coated, pure Stirling silver pendant that contains a visible sample of your pets DNA suspended in a coloured liquid.

    The sample DNA is taken by means of a simple mouth swab (we will send you the brush to do this)."

    If I was a pet owner I can't really imagine that wiping away the tears just long enough to shove a cue tip into the slack jawed mouth of Thumper The Albino would be a very uplifting experience, but maybe that's why I'm animal-less.

    But the idea of preserving DNA and genes in a necklace is pretty interesting. It sounds like a scene from Jurassic Park, only this time everything goes ballistic when somebody drops a tray of jewelery in Zales.

    Cryonics is dead. When I go, I want my remains preserved in a his and hers sovereign ring wedged beneath a headstone of topaz and rubies. That's pure class.

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